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Bring the best experience to you

The Michelin Guide of the Events World
Help you find the most suitable event experience

What are we doing

TWOSEVENTHS Train mystery customers who are familiar with the experience of activities in various fields, and make in-depth visits to various activities.
We provide third-party impartial activity evaluations, various types of activity recommendations, and activity starter packs.
Just like a group of friends around you who know how to play, they will take you to unlock various interesting and fresh activities.

Find a high-quality event store

Organize and recommend activities across Taiwan,
North, central and south, indoors and outdoors.

Trained Certified Mystery Guest

Recruit amateurs to participate in the experience,
Complete training ensures the quality of the competition.

 TWOSEVENTHS what are you doing 2

Write various experience reviews

Fair third-party activity evaluation,
Provide readers with a comprehensive reference standard.

Organize necessary activity knowledge

Everything you need to know about the event,
The lazy bag understands it once.

our guarantee

TWOSEVENTHS Provide useful information and unbiased reviews, allowing you to save time and explore the life you want.

Evaluation impartiality

No prior notice was given to the store owner about the writing activities, and the mysterious customers were directly sent to experience.

Activity authority

The product selection manager and the mystery customer double-check, and propose a list of stores that do not step on the thunder.

immediacy of content

Regularly update the evaluation content to ensure that readers can get the latest and most accurate information.

website accessibility

No annoying network ads, giving readers the purest user experience.

What is Mysterio?

As ordinary consumers who go to the store to experience activities, from online reservations to after experiencing the activities, they must keep a low profile and be like other guests, assisting TWOSEVENTHS When evaluating event stores, mystery guests can be college students, office workers, mothers, middle-aged and elderly people.

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why we can be trusted

There is a strict screening process from mystery customer interviews, recommended store checks, and the output of each review.
We will help you eliminate all troubles first, all you need is to enjoy yourself TWOSEVENTHS !


Preliminary screening of experience store list


Select a mysterious visitor to experience


Mystery customers return quality and eliminate unqualified stores


Write the review content


3. Appraisal review process


Evaluation content release

mystery guest discussion

our milestones


flag city


Participate in Mystery Guest


Evaluation pageviews

meet our team

james back


Taichung Explorer

Known as Brother Occasionally, it is said that he was born half Thai. He likes to experience new things everywhere in a gray car. He drinks more drinks than water in a day. He always says that he is losing weight recently, and his goal is to become the king of drinks in Taichung.
B HW back


SEO Expert

A complaining teenager with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, he likes everything about beauty.

TWOSEVENTHS Brand original intention


On an afternoon in the early spring of 2020, I was sitting on the sofa in Taipei planning the upcoming summer diving trip, but I only found scattered blogger articles on the Internet. Even after studying Google Maps reviews and fan pages, the information is still very fragmented , I can't see which dive shop best suits my needs.At that time, we were thinking that if we were looking for 3C or home appliances, we could easily find comprehensive ratings for all brands, but we couldn’t find any ratings for expensive activities without comparable specifications.

In fact, we only need a website to list the points that players will care about for each store, and we can easily select the stores that meet our personal preferences, and it would be even better if someone has actually experienced the selection!I'm already very tired at work, and I don't want to waste my precious weekend doing homework. I just want to explore the world in these two days, so that afternoon, TWOSEVENTHS This is how it was born and has grown to this day.

media interview


I am a shopkeeper


I am an activity lover


I am a job seeker


I'm an internet celebrity


Other cooperation


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