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Cindy 2

Putting books in the bag, noisy after get off work, a comedian who looks like a young man on the outside but is different from ordinary people on the inside.I am on the way to experience life when I am not at home, but my home is lovely, with a wall of books and a cat.

耳沐ear新評價 3
ActivitiesTaipeiTaipei Stress Relief BeautyStress Relief BeautyExperience Inspiration

【Ear New Evaluation】Pull out ears to relieve the pressure of life, the secret place of ear picking for office workers in Guting Normal University

Ear picking was an exclusive experience for emperors in ancient times, but now it is a stress-relieving method that can be enjoyed by men, women and children.The popular ear-picking store located in Guting and Normal University business district in Taipei is new, creating a therapeutic...
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